Saturday, January 9, 2010

Of friends and goodbye's

And what remains of us is the shadow of our past selves

Of paths crossed and busses missed...

Of memories, sadness and happiness too...

And of all the 'what if's' and 'what could have been'...

Yet we move on...

For we can never remain where we are and have been...

My good friends adieu and Hello! once again...

For we renew ourselves each day...

And rediscover ourselves again...

ASCII Art: The perfect world of digital imperfection.

.     .
    ..   8"=,,88,   _.
     8""=""8'  "88a88'
.. .;88m a8   ,8"" "8           
 "8"'  "88"  A"     8;
   "8,  "8   8       "8,   
    "8   8,  8,       "8
     8,  "8, "8,    ___8,   
     "8,  "8, "8mm""""""8m.        
      "8,am888i"'   ,mm"
      ,8"  _8"  .m888"
     "'         "I888          
        ,mmeem.m""i, I8""  ,mmeem,'.
       m""    . "8.8 I8  ,8"   .  "88
      i8  . '  ,mi""8I8 ,8 . '  ,8"   
      88.' ,mm""    "8I88"m,,mm'"    
      "8_m""         "I8   "

ASCII art:

The perfect world of imperfection. Perhaps more so because this is a dying art-form.

This art-form brings the best of technology and the free spirit of human imagination together and creates one of a kind pieces of beauty.

The beauty of ASCII art lies in its imperfection, especially in the confluence of ASCII characters churning out unimaginable pieces of art. It can only be fair to credit the imagination of the artist to see beyond the limitations of digital characters and creating pieces of art that not only look real but also beautiful.

Though today, the only place that this art is seen is in the world of warez and pirated download nfo's (Information sheets, much like the ubiquitous ReadMe.txt files).

If this interests you do read up on this at:

Gmail Signature…for friends who want one

Created this tutorial just for friends... hope its not too complicated.
There are a few assumptions I have made...

a) You already have Firefox installed in your system
b) You know how to install a Firefox add-on
c) You are familiar with HTML

If it's "YES" for all of the above....Hallelujah!!! .. This will be a cakewalk...

A few steps to getting your own Gmail signature

Here goes........

1. This works only on Firefox...... So get it installed if you don't already have.

2. You have to have this Firefox add-on installed (some call it extension....doesn't really matter)..'s called "Blank Canvas Gmail Signatures"

Blank Canvas Gmail Signature add-on/extension

You can get the "Blank Canvas Gmail Signatures" extension here:

Nearly there.......patience man!!!

3. Once the add-on is installed (Restart your browser)...Open your Gmail account and go to the "Compose" page

4. Now for the fun part... Click on the "Create Signature" button. This will take you to the interface where you can create your own customized signatures.

Please note: You can create individual signatures for each email account you access through your Gmail login.

Signature Tools

The create signature button

5. If you are interested in a cool signature... then just copy and paste the following: (Don't worry this signature has already been customized for you... all you need to do is add your name, phone number, URL/location of your company logo/your logo, the URL/name of your website or anything else you like...)

Start code
<div style="padding:1em; margin:1em; width:300px; font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:12px; color:#333333;">
<img src="your image location (you can host the image in imageshack)" style="float:left; margin-right:10px;" />
<strong>Your name</strong><br />
Your website: <a href="replace this text with the URL of your website">Replace this text with the name of your website<br/></div>
End code

and don't forget to "save" your work...

6. Voila!.... you now have your very own personalized Gmail signature

Please feel free to experiment!!
Hope this helps......

For further assistance please do not hesitate to contact me......or at least leave a comment.


Ultimate foe (Almost Haiku)

When time is your enemy,
There can be no saviour, none at all.

Impatience (Almost Haiku)

Impatience is a misplaced virtue,
Which often appears when least required.

UNRAVEL: Defined

un·rav·el (n-rvl)
v. un·rav·eled or un·rav·elled, un·rav·el·ing or un·rav·el·ling, un·rav·els
To separate and clarify the elements of (something mysterious or baffling); solve.
[-elling, -elled] or US [-eling, -eled]
1. to separate something knitted or woven into individual strands
2. to become separated into individual strands
3. to explain or solve: we unravelled the secrets
….from “The free Dictionary” (